Civil Engineering Services
Design Services
Civil Engineers are paid to think about and calculate everything in the development stage; from balancing earthworks to utility layouts. Everything planned out until the start of construction is referred to as design.
Civil Tender Documents
Terra will prepare a schedule of quantities based on approved Resource Consent and EPA plans. Preparation of specifications for a measure and value Civil Tender, as well as prepare an Engineer's estimate on the scope of works. We will allow for a review of received tenders and facilitate clarification and negotiation with tenders. The Client will receive a tender analysis report with recommendations.
Engineering Plan Approval
Preparation of plans, design, construction drawings and specifications of civil engineering works for infrastructure that will be vested to Council, i.e. infrastructure that will become 'public' and under the control and responsibility of Council.
Administration over Contracts and Cert.
We will undertake the construction administration, claims processing and reporting. Terra shall also arrange for the contractor to undertake the compaction testing at the direction of the Geotechnical Engineer. Terra shall recommend to the Client a Geotechnical Engineer for the project and also ensure they are programmed to complete the necessary geotechnical certification and geotechnical completion reports at the right time and for 224C.
Drafting Services
This is an extremely important aspect when looking at the layouts of buildings in a subdivision, the levels of a new road, or any other major projects that will require engineering. Terra's accuracy and precision in all of our technical drawings are extremely beneficial and important for our clients.
Building Consent
Terra has close connections and experience with Council which can potentially fast track the process. We can provide all of the professional advice necessary to get your building consent approved.
Flood and Overland Flow Assessment Report
This report provides recommendation for minimum finished floor levels and input for overland flowpath management within the site.
AEE Assessment
An Assessment of Environmental Effects (AEE) must accompany your application for resource consent. Terra Consultants will prepare a written report which identifies the impact that your activity might have on the environment.
Section 224(C) Cert.
You need an s224c certificate to request a Record of Title from Land Information New Zealand. An s224c certificate from Auckland Council confirms that a survey plan has been approved under s223 for the subdivision and that all subdivision conditions have been met. Terra will liaise with contractors and obtain as-builts (by others) and compile all documentation supplied. We will complete the inspection and certification as required. We will prepare application to the Council for certification and survey of 224c Certificate to your solicitor.
Licensed Cadastral Surveyors to support the S.223 and S.224c process. As well as undertake necessary scheme plan preparation and topographical surveys on site at Resource Consent stage. Click here to read more
Site Supervision
During the construction period, Terra will supervise the civil works to ensure that the works are undertaken according to design and to the required standard of Council. This certifies that the work completed is carried out to the highest standard. Terra's supervisors will actively ensure that the agreed plans match the work being carried out on site.
Traffic Assessment Report
The Traffic Assessment Report typically supports development applications for Resource Consent. It involves research for existing road and transport situations at the site and review of plans. The Traffic Engineer will provide a tracking curves assessment and plans. as well as advice to the planning and architectural teams. TIA report and RD assessment against the E27 assessment criteria will be provided.
Frequently Asked Questions
Here are some questions people ask terra
How do you ensure reliable water supply and storage systems for residential buildings?
We focus on the maintenance and ongoing development of local water supplies. Our expertise includes:
Reservoirs and tanks
Managing the supply and demand of water
Water storage reporting
Pipe installation methods
Treatment and reticulation of water mains (for both rural and urban areas)
Storing and sourcing water for residential communities
What stormwater design services can you provide for my project?
Carry out catchment analysis to determine existing stormwater run off flows during various storm events.
Predict possible upstream development – Maximum Probable Development (MPD)
Calculate flows generated from new impervious areas
Assess the existing council reticulated stormwater network for capacity.
Design stormwater storage (detention/retention) on site to reduce the stormwater discharge quantity.
Design Low Impact Design (LID) methods of achieving stormwater quality and quantity control e.g. ponds, wetlands, swals.
Propose methods of achieving the council required Water Quality (WQ) dependent on the type of proposal.
Design the layout and levels of new gravity pipe systems.
How does terra assist with council approvals and the engineering process for my development project?
Terra Consultants will discuss development feasibility with the council in the earlier stages of a project through the Pre-Application Meeting process. We can then compile and lodge the required documents for a Resource Consent (RC). We discuss and respond to any concerns council has under Section 92 of the Resource Management Act (RMA). We will review draft conditions to check for future issues. Post-approval, and if required/requested, we can apply to the council for changes to consent conditions/plans through Section 127 of the RMA.
After a RC is granted, we can further detail your proposal for the next council check; namely. Engineering Plan Approvals (EPA), Common Accessway (CAW), Building Consent (BC), Watercare Works Over Approval (WOA), and service/utility connection applications. We discuss and respond to any councils Request For Information (RFI) they have during these phases.
We have successfully completed a wide variety of projects for Local and Regional Councils including:
Terra Consultants are currently on the preferred supplier panel for Auckland Council.
What sets civil engineering team apart?
Our experienced civil engineering consultants provide comprehensive services, from feasibility analysis to construction management and certification.
All our civil engineers, design professionals, structural technicians, environmental engineers, and project managers are trained in the latest industry software, including Land Development Desktop and AutoCAD Civil 3D. We stay at the forefront of technology to deliver efficient and innovative solutions.
Our Civil Engineering department leverages diverse project experience to ensure tailored solutions for each client. Collaboration is key, and we conduct peer reviews at critical stages to maintain accuracy and quality throughout the project.
Outside of work, our team remains active and engaged, fostering a balanced mindset that enhances focus and performance.
Meet Nui