Long bay- Stage 19
Terra Consultants has been engaged by Templeton to support a proposed residential subdivision- Long Bay, Auckland (Stage 19). The development involves the creation of 50 residential lots and the site is located within the Auckland Council jurisdiction.
The construction of civil works is well advanced and planned to be complete by 30th April 2022.
This involves the following activities:
• Earthworks to form JOALs and finished lot levels.
• Construction of new JOALs, footpaths, vehicle crossings and landscaping areas.
• Construction of Palisade walls.
• Provision of stormwater treatment and drainage.
• Provision of wastewater drainage.
• Construction of a water supply system to provide domestic water supply and fire
water supply.
• Provision of utility services.
Terra Consultants will also manage the final inspections and sign-offs with Auckland Council, including providing the required certification, lodging EACC and 224c documentation for approval.