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Surveying better environments for a better future


Terra Consultants survey teams provide our public and private sector clients with a broad range of expertise, including Land Transfer and Unit Title surveys. In addition, Terra's licensed Cadastral Surveyors have extensive knowledge relating to land and development legislation, land rights and resource management, which can make a significant contribution to the overall success of your project. 

Our survey teams are fully equipped with the latest cutting edge technology and utilise 12D software which is compatible with most of the engineering design and drafting packages available in the market today. The software enables us to transfer survey information rapidly from the instrument to the computer programme and vice versa, giving us the ability to produce accurate and high quality results, in a timely manner. 

Unit Titles

Bound by the Unit Titles Act 2010. Unit Title owners generally own a part of a building, i.e. an apartment. There will typically be shared ownership by the buildings occupants in common areas; i.e. parking, lifts, etc. Terra's surveyors can advise and assist with the creation of new unit titles and the boundaries between them. 

Cross Lease Titles

A cross lease title is less common in modern times. This occurs when there were homes built on a section of undivided land, owned by various people. The homes are leased from other land-owners. Terra's surveyors can help convert a cross-lease home into creating a title that is freehold. We can also update the cross lease if additions are made to the building, affecting the land area by the creation of an amended cross lease plan. 

Resource Consents

Terra has a strong relationship with Auckland Council, which assists in a smooth transition to obtaining resource consent. Our Terra surveyors can help secure and prepare resource consents (i.e. subdivision consents, etc). Terra's Engineers and Planners will work with our Surveying team with obtaining RC.

​Subdivision Feasibility And Investigation

Terra surveyors will investigate the applicable information from LINZ, as well as site investigations and will determine with our multi-disciplinary team whether a subdivision of your land is possible.  Our Consultants will prepare a report which highlights any issues that may arise when considering your subdivision or development and areas of opportunity. 

Topographical Survey

This survey is used to determine and outline the ground contours and current features already on the the earth surface (i.e. streets, walls, vegetation, structures, etc). This is used as a base for design input. We also determine the legal boundaries on site. This is the first step for a subdivision or new building design. 

Relocation of Boundary

Terra's surveyors can carry out a boundary adjustment between your property and your neighbours'. We can simply the process and achieve consent approval with Council and seek Neighbours' Approval on your behalf. 

Construction Surveying / Laying-Out

This survey lays or marks out the key points of reference as a visual guide to the construction workers on site. This is typically for new builds or structures. 


An as-built survey is used during the pre and post construction phases. The plan outputs detail land improvements at a specific point in time. It will show the position and depiction of the structure as it was built, along with detailed information and plans. This is prepared on behalf of the contractor for Council and Watercare specifications. 

Height In Relation To Boundary (HIRTB)

Council will require a Terra Licensed Cadastral Surveyor to verify and sign off that the structure is compliant in regards to the height to boundary; i.e. max height and the requirements of the site's yard and consent conditions. 

Land Transfer Survey

Terra's Licensed Cadastral Surveyors must ensure the survey plan meetings LINZ legal requirements. It is one of the most common types of surveys and contains information, plans, various calculations, etc on a particular site; usually at the end of the construction phase. If LINZ accepts this, then it is deposited and replaces the existing title for the land. You typically receive this in the form of a S.223c certification. 

Cadastral Surveys

Terra's survey team can identify the corners of your site by a redefinition survey of your property title. This type of survey is useful when you are wanting to legally establish legal boundaries for fencing, construction purposes, etc. 

Calculating Earthwork Volumes

Terra's surveyors survey and provide as-builts and calculate the ground profile before the earthworks commence. We can also access this during and after earthworks construction. We do this using specialised software so that the recordings are accurate in regards to the volume of earthworks. 

Monitoring Movement and Deformation

Our surveyors determine if a movement is significant and whether further action must be investigated. This is measured with high accuracy, so that we can record very small movement trends or deformations in a land form or building structure. 

GPS Survey

Using satellite signals and image-data capture, our surveyors obtain the 3D positions in terms of local survey datums. This enables more efficient data capture for larger projects. 

4 Patey st 1

 Unlock the full potential of your property.

Our team of experienced surveyors is here to help.

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Terra's surveyors work in cooperation with LINZ (Land Information New Zealand). LINZ have a responsibility to make sure updated information regarding property rights are recorded and managed.  These include; land titles, cadastral survey systems, topographic information, hydrographic information, etc. 


The culture of the Terra Consultants survey team is based on a proud history of being as one with our clients to identify their core requirements and then providing the best provision of professional survey services since our creation in 2002.


Our team are a cross section of experienced Licensed surveyors, graduates and technical staff that jointly combine to provide the best survey processes and deliverables. The cohesion with our many other “in house” disciplines has consistently led to the delivery of successful project outcomes for our diverse range of clients.

Survey Manager


Simon Lapwood

Survey Manager


David Joines

Survey Manager (CNI)


Stephen Dobbie

Licensed Cadastral Surveyor

John McCullough

Licensed Cadastral Surveyor



"What a great result. 

Your expertise and efficiency in navigating your way through this mammoth process is highly valued and appreciated.  

Obtaining the titles is our end goal in the development process and so thank you for your continued commitment in achieving this for us."

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